Third Party Testing

Our laces undergo rigorous testing by the STC, a global, not-for-profit testing and standards organization. STC ensures product safety and quality compliance for the world's leading brands


  • The US's official body for consumer product testing and safety.

  • Germany's national accreditation body for product quality.

  • An independent research and testing organization from the UK.

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Adventure Andy Unbreakable Laces Black 180cm


Unbreakable Laces

Abrasion Resistance

After 40,000+ cycles of lace-on-lace abrasion no evidence of wear was visible what so ever.

Testing Protocol: ISO 22774:2004
Last testing date: 04/08/2024

Breaking Strength

The Unbreakable laces failed at a maximum load of 5658N (1,272 lbs).

Testing Protocol: ISO 2307:2019
Last testing date: 08/21/2024

Shop Unbreakable Laces
Adventure Andy Welders Laces Laces Black 160cm


Welder's Laces

Flame Resistance

Burn rate of 0.03in / second. In accordance with the FHSA, the burn rate should not be greater than 0.1in / second. The Adventure Andy Welder's Laces exceeded this standard by more than 330%.

Testing Protocol: FHSA 16 CFR 1500.44
Last testing date: 24/02/2024

Shop Welder's Laces